Saturday 12 February 2011

National Trust

After looking at the different possible ways of printing on mugs, I mentioned on my previous post about looking at ways I can introduce different concepts such as promoting the woodland, this will be from ways other than illustration. I want to find information on the conservation projects and what the national trust are doing. I think this will help me with some new design decisions in relation to new concepts.

What is going on?
The government are planning to withdraw from the management of England's forests and woodlands. These forests have been in the peoples hands for centuries enjoyed by everyone from generation to generation.

The website have left open pages for people to get involved and leave comments on what they think should be happening and suggestions of how preservation can be met.

Some of the comments left on facebook

Richard Wade I would definitely support the National Trust in the purchase and running of all of the forests if the need arises - we must not let this valuable resource pass into private hands.

Gaynor Carter I think our forests and woodland are priceless and should never be sold. Once gone, they are gone for ever and although initially they will be protected, in time this will be eroded away. I think the NT would be excellent guardians but I don't think NT would take over small, less well known areas.

David Hunt I agree with the trust taking over the role of looking after our forests, and the government should consider this before any sale, keep the access for the public and protect these important sites for our wild life, not forgetting that they are the countries lungs

Emma Gray I agree the woodlands and forests in this country need protecting, the government should really not be selling off precious outdoor spaces which belong to the people of this country. However, how would the NT finance not just the purchase of acres and acres of woodland but also the maintenance and management of such spaces? The NT would seem like natural custodians but a lot of thought needs to happen first.

Melody Vasey I am completely opposed to this sell off, which even in economic terms is not viable; selling off our forests will generate a loss. Our forests are practically self financing and have immense social, environmental and ecological value, and should therefore remain under public ownership.I would support the National Trust taking over only as a last resort to protect our forests. This nonsensical scheme should not go ahead.

Although these points people have made are really interesting and in support of the National Trust taking care of the land no one is actually suggesting ideas to help. This is something I need to find out as it matters as a whole for my brief as to what I am aiming my mugs towards, is the money raised going towards preservation or to help fight to keep the woodland?

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