Wednesday 2 March 2011

Contacting Professionals

I have sent out a similar email to all the contacts I listed in a previous post, below I have posted the copies I found this quite hard to write, because I needed to write it so they would want to reply and help me i'm not sure I have achieved this but we shall see if I get any responses!


Hello, my name is Anna Stones I am currently in my final year at Leeds College of Art studying Graphic Design, part of my final year submission is to develop an in-depth body of work on a subject matter of my choosing, and produce a product full of my findings. I have always had a keen interest in Wallpaper and the production is a section I am including in my research. I have included a few questions below which which be published in my final publication, if you have the time I would really appreciate your answers.

Thank you very much

Anna Stones

Does wallpaper have to be printed on paper? What other stocks are available?

What inks are used in the printing process? Are different inks used on different papers?

What finishes are used on wallpaper to protect it?

How is wallpaper printed? What production methods are used?

How is high quality produced at low prices?

Is the production cost of wallpaper expensive? Does it have a big profit margin?

How is the selling price decided?

Foil Blocking

Hello, my name is Anna Stones I am currently in my final year at Leeds College of Art studying Graphic Design, part of my final year submission is to develop an in-depth body of work on a subject matter of my choosing, and produce a product full of my findings. I am an illustrator with a focus on print and the print finishes that can be used to make the product have extra special qualities, a section my publication will focus on foil blocking. I have included a few questions below which will be published in my final publication, if you have the time I would really appreciate your answers this will really help with my research.

Thank you very much

Anna Stones

What are the limitations of stock when it comes to foil blocking?

What different finishes can foil blocking produce? And are all finishes possible with all available colours?

What can foil blocking be used on other than the obvious of paper and card?

How broad is the colour spectrum for foil blocking?

What are the different processes of foil blocking?

How expensive is the production?

Is foil blocking worth the expense? Does the finish outweigh the cost?

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