Tuesday 8 March 2011

Steven Harrington

I really enjoy looking at the shapes and textures of a pattern, although the below image is not directly a pattern it is highly inspired but the use of shapes and what makes this more interesting it the colouring Steven has used alone these colours are quite bright, but working together in this tie die affect is really unique. What drew me towards his work is the hand crafted elements he uses, this looks like a 3D object but in-fact its a screen print with sprayed on enamel. This process is very familiar to me but i have never considered the use of enamel with my work.

Im not sure what this image is in relation to his work, but I found it on his website and I love it. The blocked pattern with solid colours looks amazing on fabric, I really like how the shapes have been laid out to form the centre point, its very earth and to me looks very cultural. There is something about cultural patterns that I have a 'thing' for but never seem to do anything with it, this could be me chance.

This second image is a glow in the dark screen print, this is really visually interesting, I found this when I was looking for contextual work for my Geometric wallpaper. It really interesting to see the different types of inks and materials which can be used in this print process. This is definitely something worth investigating.

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