Sunday 17 April 2011

Charlie and the Chocolate factory book covers

A really well known story, I wanted to try and capture fun and chocolate feel to it. Initially I wanted the foil to be in gold, but the colours I have used so far that would compliment the gold I have already used a lot in previous designs. So instead I asked people what colours they thought of for this cover and I got purple and brown so these are the colours I have worked with. If there is the opportunity to use a colour where I could have gold foil I will develop this when I have finalised the individual covers later.

The first cover, the colours are too pinky and don't capture enough of the chocolate feel I wanted from the cover. I struggled with the layout of this, firstly because the whole title wasn't included in the image and secondly because of this the layout felt quite empty and spacious. As in other posts I stretched the shape and had to tilt it to fit on the page, I really don't like this or the positioning of the other elements on the cover.

Going back to the first design I took the tilt away from the shape and it works much better, the other elements on the front seemed to fall into the correct place once I had done this, I feel this layout works much more successfully than the first. I also altered the colour scheme so it wasn't so pinky, this does work better however I do feel the cover is now too dark it needs to be much lighter and 'fun' to capture the magic in the story, especially as its every child's dream.

As well as the above sweet design I drew a second design, as the book is chocolate I drew a bar of chocolate, I couldn't figure out why I dint like this, but I have decided that its the way I have drawn the type because of the way I had to lay it out on the rectangular shape its looks odd. However I wanted to experiment with it just incase as this shape is influenced more by the story line than the above. I am still not convinced it works, I think some feedback would really help with my decisions on this cover.

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