Saturday 9 April 2011

Email Response

Hi Anna,

Thanks again for your interest in our work. I posted a few responses to your question on our Formspring page.

Best wishes for your publication!

Best regards,

Letterpress Delicacies

Where does your inspiration come from for your designs?

We keep an ongoing list of ideas and generally let them stew for awhile. An idea might grow or change over time and can even be combined with another idea to make it more interesting. Once we have an idea we think is worth pursuing, we begin sketching. We love clean and simple design with a sense of whimsy

Do you work to briefs or do you suggest your ideas to clients?

Many clients approach us with their own design. In some cases, we may make suggestions for achieving the best result from the letterpress process. We are also happy to create a custom design based on the clients idea.

What are the best stocks to use with a letter press? and are there limitations of what you can/can't use?

We prefer soft, thick, 100% cotton paper. There are many printmaking and handmade papers suitable for letterpress. One of the most popular papers is Crane's Lettra which is formulated specifically for the conditions of letterpress. Most papers can be letterpress printed, although we do not recommend papers with a glossy finish.

How does the Letter Press work?

Letterpress is a form of relief printing. If you have ever used a rubber stamp, you will have a general idea of how the process works. Ink is applied to a raised surface and paper is pressed onto the inked form. The plate transfers the ink to the paper and leaves an impression. The impression can be adjusted by the amount of padding (called packing) behind the paper.

What machine do you use?

We use a Vandercook Universal I flatbed cylinder proof-press.

Who do you look to for inspiration?

We're inspired by all of the wonderful designers who shaped the world of design. Josef Müller-Brockmann, Paul Rand, Charles & Ray Eames, and Herb Lubalin are a few of our favorites.

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