Wednesday 20 April 2011

Fantastic Mr fox book covers

I found this cover quite hard to illustrate, I had similar problems with the layout as the Esio Trot book, the issues that arose were the emptiness of space surrounding the title and trying to make the fox as large as possible in a small space and still making the title and image legible. Again Fantastic Mr Fox was another box I had never read so I had to research around the book and get some feedback from people who had read the book to find something that would relate to the story but not obviously, however all this research proved a slight fail in that, the only think I could really illustrate was the fox which is obvious to the title, but the research and feedback didn't really provide any other suggestions.

This first cover has my favourite colour scheme, the vibrancy of the orange brings the fox to life and the brighter orangey yellow really helps the title jump out and not fade away, which was a concern with the layout and size of the text. This colour scheme also provides a neutral ground attracting both boys and girl, which as I have mentioned before is a really important feature to remember.

I played around with positioning the fox in slightly different position, but this one proved to fit best so I stuck with it across all three designs. The colour scheme takes more of a red and brown influence than the orange of a typical fox, I think this is perhaps that is why it isn't as strong as the first design.

I wanted to experiment with something not typically fox themed or for the type to blend with the background colour, so I choose this minty green colour, which reflects the wildlife and nature where fox's live and the colours on the fox relate to the colours of a fox. I actually really like this cover its fresh and different, not the obvious which the first two could be considered to be. I need to put all the different covers together first to see which work best as a group and individually before I make any decisions.

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