Tuesday 19 April 2011

The BFG book covers

The BFG is another really popular book from the collection, I started this design by looking at current book covers to see what was already out their, my book covers follow a very different style to the books that are already out their and I wanted my design to reflect this, almost all the book covers includes the giant on the front, which straight away gives the story away I wanted my cover to be more mysterious, so with that in mind I choose to illustrate the dream catcher and the 'BFG' is illustrated in a bubble which as a child I visualised the dreams were caught in.

This first cover has no real colour meaning to it, I wanted to keep it fresh and in keeping with the other books as a style has started to become more obvious, I really like the layout on this cover its simple but still really affective, I had problems with some of the book covers where the simple approach was too simple and it lacked attention grabbing, but I don't think this cover has this problem.

As I mentioned earlier colours are starting to become limited and I wanted to use colour I had not previously used. I actually really like this and it surprisingly doesn't look too feminine with the pink background, which is something I don't want in the covers. In terms of foil this would look really nice with a brown or deep red to help the type work with the image and not separately.

This final design uses experimental colours, I would never normally use blue and peach but they actually work really well together, the only thing I don't really like about this design is the grey pipe, the colour lets the vibrancy of the blue and peach down. I think considering the mix of books and colours used in the covers this I could potentially use for the final as its a bit different and quirky.

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