Tuesday 19 April 2011

Georges Marvellous Medicine book covers

This book was unknown to me, so I needed to do some research on it to be able to try and capture the story through the book cover, it helped that people in our class had read it so when I asked them what key parts them remembered I could feed this into my design development. I wanted to try and capture a cheeky and mysterious feel to the book, but also play on the fact that this is a book based based on the main character of a boy, which is where the blue colour came from.

This first cover, uses quite a dark grey blue, I really like how this contrasts with the light blue used for the type and vines in the back page. It helps highlight the title and draws your attention towards the book. Although I feel this works really well, I do feel the back ground colour is perhaps too dark to capture the audience of a girl and to feed the message of fun and mysterious not dark and mysterious.

I developed this second cover based on my evaluation of the above cover, in that the background was too dark and needed lightening to help change the mood of the cover. I feel I have achieved this however I am now unsure as to the fact it look too boyish and not neutral.

Considering the points above, I have tried to use colours which will help reflect the story as well as attracting both boys and girls. I think this cover is much more successful in achieving these points, it also looks much fresher and more vibrant than the previous two designs. The only issue I may have is that another cover I have designed has a similar colour so I will have to re work the colours to keep the vibrancy and be different to the other books.

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