Thursday 14 April 2011

Matilda book covers

After choosing my final design for James & the Giant peach and expanding the brief to 10 Roald Dahl books, I am going to apply this design to the top 10 Roald Dahl children's books. As the design and layout is already decided, the main design choices I will look at are the colour and layout of on the title page. At this point I want to make it clear that the illustration on the main page will be foiled, in this case the bow, this decision was made from several comments discussed in crits and the decision that the simple design and limited colour needed something a little bit extra special to lift it and make it stand out.

The idea behind the bow for Matilda is based on the bow she wears throughout the film and the character in the book . I wanted to choose something that isn't too obvious but still something the reader will connect to before he/she reads the book and then relates to whilst reading the book. I will use this to help me decide the image for all of the book covers. This first colour scheme I choose to relate to Matilda a 'girl' and girls the reader, however I have decided this isn't necessarily a girly book therefore the colours need to be opened up to more of a mixed sex audience.

I have introduced a completely different colour pallet in this design, it works much better than than the above pinks and helps the red bow stand out much more. However I don't like the layout of the bow and the curve to the type, I much prefer the above layout design, it seems more professional and looks more pleasing as a back to front design than the below.

I experimented with the original layout and changed the colour scheme to again keep the audience neutral. I really like this design with the lighter creamy background, it helps the red bow stand out and when printed with foil I think it will work really well combined with the blue type. This is definitely my favourite of the 3 designs, my only concern is the placement of the the author and illustrator, the below layout doesn't work well with the image and type design so I think I will go back to the first layout design.

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