Tuesday 15 March 2011

Book Cover development

After my chat with Fred and looking back at my work it was decided I needed to cut out white from my work, and start developing the cover as a whole rather than individual parts. I have looked at what I most liked and what other people felt was working the best, and started putting together some book covers. I have really enjoyed this process, its something away from what I normally design which adds a new aspect to my portfolio, but have enjoyed designing for a book cover.

This first cover, was my first design developed from original feedback, I really like this design and feel the over all type and image works quite successful, especially as this is an area I generally struggle with. I want to get suggestions and feedback on the type face on the back of the cover, I am not happy with this and its definitely let down but as I mentioned this is an area I tend to struggle with. Another new thing for me with this cover is the use of black, I always eliminate this from my work, but I felt in this case it worked well with the illustrations and other colours I have used, I think it gives it a more professional touch and looks more like a book cover than an illustration.

This second cover is my least favourite, however a lot of people have commented that its their favourite due to the way the colours have been used. They like the dark colour with the slightly lighter illustrations in the background. I don't like this, but I think thats because of the colouring not the actual design, because I like the big type as the focus on the cover.

This is another favourite design, I really like the green background withe the orange circles over the illustrations, the combination of the colours works really well and add something new to the design. I think look at all three of these mock ups their basis is quite traditional and not very modern which i'm not sure would be an issue or not, this is something I want to figure out in the crit. Aside from that, I have used illustrate type here again the type as a focal point, I think this works really well, however the colours perhaps need some looking at as the peach could be confused for an orange.

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