Monday 7 March 2011

Machine printing

The machine printer replaced the woodblock printing of wallpaper in the late 18th century. Mass consumption of wallpaper was available, patterns of flowers and shapes became more popular with the introduction of the printer allowing up to 20 colours to be used by the end of the century. Thanks to the print machine the victorian era experimented with many different styles and themes, below is an example of a popular design from the victorian era, its very similar to the style popular today. The repeat of pattern has become more popular and experimental since the 18th century however the basis is still the same. In comparison to the wallpapers earlier in the century this is a massive step up, it looks much more manufactured and solid, it has lost the raw hand crafted qualities the woodblock gave to the coverings. I have discovered from my research some designers didn't like this 'manufactured' look so the combined the print machine with the wood block to create texture and the raw qualities of the earlier work. I myself have worked similar to this there is something about handcrafting/printing that gives the piece something extra and more expensive.

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