Friday 11 March 2011

Mug Wraps

As I mentioned previously I wanted to create a new more exiting and abstract look for my mugs, instead of following the basic layouts and ideas I previously have posted, I wanted to design something a little different in the style of my work, rather that working towards something I feel I should be creating. This first thing I have looked at is colour and introducing this as a focal point, I have previously used far too much white and I need to try and eliminate this form my work. The first mug wrap shows a block of colour used at the top of the mug, I have chosen to leave some white at the bottom and the tree tops in white, this shows the line detail really well, something I wanted to get across in my work, I do really like this but I don't like how blocky and restricted this looks.

I have experimented with the second mug wrap, simply by using a hand drawn line across the bottom of the coloured block rather than its being an exact straight line, this small change makes so much difference and looks much better, however its still not as abstract as I would like, its still very limited and not very experimental.

I decided although the one hand drawn line worked really well, why not use this across all sides and corners, so below I have experimented with this and it work much better, the result is far ore expressive and interesting this idea still needs more work but as a start it works much better that the previous images. One thing I am not sure on is the bottom of the trees I like the blocked colour and white trees working on the top section, but not the coloured tree and the bottom, I need to experiment with this further as i'm not happy with this.

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